Who we are: We are veterinarians who live and/or work in San Mateo County, as well as San Francisco and Santa Clara Counties. We gather to network and share clinical experiences, as well as to hear from speakers for continuing education.
When we meet: We used to meet on the third Tuesday of every odd month, unless otherwise scheduled. Our meetings have been at The Van's restaurant in Belmont, California, which has now closed. As the pandemic eases and we find a new venue, we look forward to gathering again to socialize and learn in new surroundings.
Greetings, PVMA and potential PVMA members! Believe it or not, we continue to look for an appropriate venue to restart in-person meetings. We have missed seeing you in person.
For now, we want to give you some resources for the “new” canine respiratory disorder that is in the news. As before, for infectious diseases, an excellent site is Dr. Scott Weese’s “Worms & Germs” blog. Another resource is the University of Florida’s College of Veterinary Medicine Shelter Medicine Program. UC Davis College of Veterinary Medicine has not yet received a canine patient as of today (November 27, 2023), but of course, this may change. So, continue to be aware and vigilant for this potential disorder.
In the meantime, be safe and well yourselves, as COVID-19 hasn’t gone away. Best wishes for the holiday season. Watch this space for more information!
Hello, PVMA members and member wanna-bes! We have missed seeing you in person. A small group of us has been investigating where to meet once this is practical. Don’t worry about your membership dues for 2020 (wow!) or 2021 (yikes!) or this year – we’ll sort all that out when we meet.
We know that there are plenty of online CE options and some of you may be attending conferences, too. We look forward to gathering again as PVMA so that we can re-establish our local network and restore our veterinary camaraderie. Our goal is to find the best, most practical venue, and to kick off in-person meetings with a dynamic speaker!
If you haven’t responded to our survey, check your emails or contact the webmaster at the email address below to get the link. Watch this space for more information! Happy Spring 2022!
In late 2019, a new virus related to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) was reported and was designated SARS-CoV-2. The human disease associated with this new virus has been designated Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). By March 2020, COVID-19 had been reported worldwide and the World Health Organization declared a pandemic; it has impacted everyone’s life. Occasionally, pets and zoo animals have been found to have SARS-CoV-2, with transmission thought to be from humans with COVID-19. It is unlikely that pets can give SARS-CoV-2 to people. The understanding of what this means for animals and people continues to grow.
Routine testing of animals for SARS-CoV-2 is NOT recommended, according to the AVMA, CDC, USDA, American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians, National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians, and National Assembly of State Animal Health Officials. Numerous groups have held webinars regarding practice during the pandemic, including some listed below. Remember to follow guidance from the San Mateo County Public Health personnel about current sheltering restrictions and how to stay safe in all every-day activities.
Please call your veterinarian to discuss your pet's risk of exposure and whether testing should be undertaken. Be aware that, due to social distancing and shelter-in-place orders, veterinarians may meet owners and pets outside, examine pets inside, and report the findings afterward. Please be patient with veterinarians and their staffs – we are all in this uncharted territory together.
For more information about COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2, visit:
In December 2017, Canine Influenza Virus (CIV) was identified on the San Francisco Peninsula. Cases of CIV have now also been reported throughout the San Francisco Bay Area, the Santa Clara Valley, the East Bay, Sacramento, Fresno, and the Monterey Bay area. Veterinary experts recommend that dog owners remain cautious about permitting interactions among dogs with unknown vaccination status.
CIV causes a very contagious disease that is recoverable with supportive care, but may pose a serious health risk to individual dogs, including death. The virus can be easily transmitted in places such as boarding facilities, doggie daycares, groomers, dog parks, animal shelters, dog shows, and even veterinary hospitals. Symptoms include coughing, sneezing, nasal discharge, loss of appetite, fever, difficulty breathing, and vomiting. If your dog is showing any of these signs, please call your veterinarian immediately, and DO NOT let your dog interact with other dogs for at least 30 days following onset of signs. Because various diseases can cause these signs, laboratory testing is required for definitive diagnosis. There are vaccines available to protect dogs against the two recognized strains of CIV, one of which can also make cats sick. Please call your veterinarian to discuss your pet's risk of exposure and whether vaccination is appropriate for your dog.
For more information about CIV, visit:
When: To be determined!
Speaker: None at this time
Title: Due to current COVID-19 restrictions, in-person PVMA meetings have been cancelled through 2020!